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Enable download randomization under Mac Settings Schedule (or Linux Settings Schedule). If the option is not greyed out, check Randomize the start time. This prevents the Apache web server from getting overloaded at certain times in a day. Additionally, on SEP 12.1.x clients for Linux, edit the liveupdate.conf file and set serverlogging=false. Visual Studio 2019 for Mac. Develop apps and games for iOS, Android and using.NET. Download Visual Studio for Mac. Create and deploy scalable, performant apps using.NET and C# on the Mac.

Starting in September, ITS will be adding Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) to its general VPN portals. This will change the way that users log in to the VPN. Here is what to expect when the change occurs.

Mac GlobalProtect Client Install

On the Mac, The latest client is available from the VPN portal. Use https with a web browser to connect to

  • Login with WSU AD credentials
  • No need for additional prefixes or suffixes
  • Example: will only need username john.smith
  • After logging in, download the Mac OS agent.
  • When prompted, run the software.
  • When prompted again, run the GlobalProtect Installer.
  • From the GlobalProtect Installer, click continue.
  • On the destination select screen, select the install folder and then click continue.
  • On the Installation Type screen, select the GlobalProtect installation package check box, and then click continue.
  • Click install to confirm that you want to install GlobalProtect.
  • When prompted, enter your Username and Password, and then click install software to begin the installation.
  • When this security box appears, users MUST click the “Open Security Preferences” Button (NOT the OK Button).
  • Click the “Allow” button at the bottom of the “Security & Privacy” box to allow the Palo Alto Extension.
  • After installation is complete, close the installer.

MFA GlobalProtect VPN Login Steps

Once the VPN portal has been updated to require MFA the user experience will change. When the user connects to the VPN, they will instead receive an Okta login page.

On this page, enter your username and password. If you scroll down on this page, you will see a ‘Remember me’ option. Check this option to have your username saved for future logins. This is recommended.

Once a valid credential pair is entered, you will receive a prompt to choose your MFA option. You can use any MFA option that is supported by Okta, including SMS, App Push, Google Authenticator, Security Key, etc. Push notifications with the Okta Verify App are recommended.

When selecting Okta Verify Push notifications, it is recommended to select the option ‘Send push automatically’

While the option ‘Do not challenge me on this device for the next 24 hours’ option may be checked, this option will not have any effect. You will continue to be prompted for multi-factor authentication for every VPN login.

At this point, you should receive a multifactor prompt on your device or be ready to enter a code from a separate multi-factor app.
IOS Prompt

OKTA MFA Factor Enrollment
To set up your Okta MFA options, visit

For technical assistance: Please contact Crimson Service Desk via email, by phone at (509) 335-4357, or online.

Mac Uninstall

Download the installer from the portal page at (same process as the previous Mac GP Client install).
From the GlobalProtect installer, click continue.

On the destination select screen, click continue.
On the Installation Type screen, select the Uninstall GlobalProtect package check box, and then click continue:

Click Install to confirm that you want to remove the GlobalProtect app.
When prompted, enter your Username and Password, and then click Install Software to uninstall GlobalProtect.

A message will pop up that will confirm that the Uninstall GlobalProtect package was successfully installed and that the GlobalProtect app has been removed from the computer.

Linux Install

On Linux, the latest GlobalProtect client can be downloaded from:
There are two clients – download the rpm file for RedHat/CentOS.
For Ubuntu, download the deb file. Open a terminal window to install the client

Ubuntu/Debian –
sudo dpkg – i GlobalProtect_deb-5.0.8.deb

Redhat/CentOS –
sudo yum localinstall GlobalProtect_rpm-5.0.8.rpm

Linux Operation

Using a terminal window, type globalprotect. At the >> prompt, use the connect command to connect to portal

user@ubuntu:~$ globalprotect
Current GlobalProtect status: OnDemand mode.
>> connect –portal
Retrieving configuration… – Authentication Failed. Enter login credentials
Discovering network…

Other commands of note at the >> prompt include –
>> quit
(exits out of GlobalProtect which continues to run in the background)
>> disconnect
>> show –version
>> show –status
>> show –details

Linux Uninstall

  1. Uninstall the GlobalProtect app for Linux using dpkg.
  2. user@ubuntu:~$ sudo dpkg -P globalprotect
    (Reading database … 209181 files and directories currently installed.)
    Removing globalprotect (5.0.8) …
    gp service is running and we need to stop it…
    Disable service…
    Removing gp service…
    gp service has been removed successfully
    Removing configuration…

  3. Uninstall the GlobalProtect app for Linux using apt-get.
  4. user@linuxhost:~$ sudo apt-get remove GlobalProtect_deb-5.0.8.deb
    Reading package lists… Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information… Done


7.1.1. Mac

    Open GlobalProtect and click on the Troubleshooting tab. An option to collect logs will create a support file that can be used for analysis.

7.1.2. Linux
Using the terminal window and in globalprotect mode, run the collect-log command to create the support file.

user@ubuntu:~$ globalprotect
Current GlobalProtect status: Connected
>> collect-log
Start collecting…
collecting network info…
collecting machine info…
copying files…
generating final result file…
The support file is saved to /home/user/.GlobalProtect/Collect.tgz

Many people may like the look and feel of Linux over other Desktop Operating Systems (OS). For this reason someone may want to install Linux on a Mac.

To run Mac apps on Linux, you’ll need some sort of virtual machine or translation layer. Run a macOS Virtual Machine (All Apps) The most reliable way to run Mac apps on Linux is through a virtual machine. With a free, open-source hypervisor application like VirtualBox, you can run macOS on a virtual device on your Linux machine.

There are many types of Apple Mac systems available. For this article I used an iMac 6.1 from late 2006. The specs on the iMac are as follows:

2.1.35 is the latest stable release: Download Anki for Mac OS X 10.13.4+ (2.1.35-standard) Download Anki for Mac OS X 10.10+ (2.1.35-alternate) Choose the standard version if your macOS version is up to date, as the alternate version uses an older toolkit which lacks some improvements. Download PuTTY for Windows operating system. Step by step guide to using SSH in PuTTY. Free download putty for Mac and Linux. Latest version Putty 0.73 is available here. When you download an image, be sure to download the SHA256SUMS and SHA256SUMS.gpg files that are next to the downloaded image (i.e. In the same directory on the Kali Linux Download Server). Before verifying the checksums of the image, you must ensure that the SHA256SUMS file is the one generated by Kali. Download your Linux distribution to the Mac. We recommend Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS if this is your first Linux install. Save the file to your Downloads folder.

  • Intel Core 2 Duo 2.16 GHz
  • 24-Inch screen TFT Active Matrix LCD (1921x1200 native) display
  • 667 MHz system bus
  • 1 GB of RAM
  • 250 GB Serial ATA (SATA) hard drive
  • DVD±R DL 'SuperDrive'
  • Nvidia GeForce 7300 GT video card 128 MB VRAM
  • built-in iSight video camera
  • built-in stereo speakers
    3 USB 2.0 ports
  • Firewire '400' port
  • Firewire '800' port
  • built-in AirPort Extreme
  • Gigabit Ethernet
  • mini-DVI

The highest MacOS it can support is 10.6 or Snow Leopard. After I tried using the iMac and installing apps on it I found out that few apps supported Snow Leopard. For this reason I didn’t use the iMac often. Another reason is that the video card has an overheating issue which causes screen anomalies. The system runs better in winter when it is a little cooler.
NOTE: I got this iMac for less than $50. The shipping charge was more than the cost of the all-in-one (AIO) system.
The MacOS is what discouraged me since I couldn’t install very many any apps since it was older. I decided to install Linux and make the system better.
NOTE: Keep in mind that for an upgrade to Linux you must have an Intel processor. Since each Mac can have varying components you may also run into driver issues. For my iMac I was very lucky. The upgrade was smooth except the iSight webcam (which wasn’t too bad).
Linux Installation
I usually use Ubuntu, but I have been hearing a lot about Deepin so I decided to try it on my iMac. I downloaded Deepin 15.11 at
NOTE: Some places on the Internet claim that you cannot install a 64-bit OS other than MacOS on a Mac. This is not true of all systems. On my iMac I can install a 64-bit version of Deepin.
Once you have the ISO downloaded you can use Etcher to extract the image to a USB Stick. The USB Stick should then be ready to boot on any system you wish to install Deepin Linux.
NOTE: Before starting the install I have found an issue with Deepin, which is not an issue with iMac. Do not have a secondary monitor or even a plug in the secondary video port. Deepin will not display the Desktop Environment properly if a secondary video port is detected as active.
Insert the USB Stick in the USB Port of the iMac and power on holding down the Option key and select EFI (second one) once it appears. Press the up arrow on the screen as shown in Figure 1. If you do not have an Apple keyboard then press the Left ALT key instead.
The iMac should then boot from the USB Stick. GRUB should appear and give you the option to ‘Install Deepin’. If you do not select an option then GRUB will timeout and select the installation option by default.
Install linux macbook proAfter everything is loaded you should see a screen similar to Figure 2. The screen is the beginning of the Deepin installation. Select the default language for the Installation as well as the OS. One you have made your selection make sure to check the box at the bottom to accept the End User License Agreement (EULA). After you have completed these tasks click on ‘Next’.
The next screen, shown in Figure 03, allows you to create a User Account for Deepin. Type in your preferred username. Do not capitalize the first letter (which it will warn you if you do). The System Name will be filled in with your username and ‘-PC’ added to it. You can change this as needed. You will then be required to type in your password and confirm it before clicking ‘Next’.
Figure 04 shows the next screen which prompt you to select your time zone from a world map. Make the appropriate selection and click ‘Next’.
The next screen, Figure 05, is where you select the drive to install Deepin. Initially you see the partitions created by MacOS X. You do not want to use the existing partitions. At the top of the screen select ‘Full Disk’ and you will see a screen similar to Figure 06.
Select the disk on which to install Deepin. You have a checkbox at the bottom to encrypt the drive. You can select this if you require it. Once done, select ‘Start Installation’.
The installation took about 14 minutes on my my iMac. Many screens will be shown about Deepin’s abilities. Once done you will be prompted to remove the USB Stick and reboot the system.
Once rebooted you should see a screen similar to Figure 07. The screen shows that Deepin is installed and starting.
A logon screen should appear and prompt you to enter your password. Type in your password and press the Enter key or the arrow button next to the password prompt as shown in Figure 08.
After you log in you should see a white box appear on the screen. Music will play and you may see a video playing. My system did not show the video but I could hear the music. Click ‘Next’ to go on with the system configuration.
The next screen allows you to pick a Desktop Mode. You have the choice of ‘Efficient’ or ‘Fashion’ modes as seen in Figure 09.
Make your choice, which can be changed later, and click ‘Next’.
Your next option is enable or disable window effects as in Figure 10. Click ‘Next’ when you have made your choice.

Download Linux For Mac

The last configuration option, Figure 11, lets you choose your default icons. Once you make your choice click on ‘Done’.
After the settings have been saved the desktop should appear as shown in Figure 12. You will need to connect to the Internet either through an Ethernet connection or Wi-Fi.
iSight Webcam

The iSight Webcam requires some tools installed. You will need a file from the MacOSX installation media (which I will attach below but it will need to be unzipped). Once you have the media you can find the file at: “/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleUSBVideoSupport.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleUSBVideoSupport”. Place this file in a location that you can type in the full path location. In a Terminal you need to type the following command:
sudo apt install isight-firmware-tools
After the download and installation a window will appear which will ask you if you have the ‘AppleUSBVideoSupport’ file. Answer ‘Yes’ and you will be prompted for the file location. Delete the current path and type in the location of the file and press Enter. The drivers should be extracted from the Apple file you copied. At this point you need to reboot to get the webcam to work.
I tested the iSight video camera using ‘Cheese’. To install ‘Cheese’ you need to open a Terminal and perform the commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install cheese -y

I also burned a DVD using Brasero. The program needs to be installed using the following command:

Install Linux On Mac Os

sudo apt install brasero
You need to install some programs for the Bluetooth to work properly. Use the following command to install them:
sudo apt install bluetooth bluez bluez-tools rfkill blueman
Once it is all installed you can list the available Bluetooth devices on your system with the command:
sudo rfkill list
The listing should show that your Bluetooth device is blocked or unblocked. If it is blocked then you need to run:
sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth
Now you can start the Bluetooth service by restarting the system. Once you log back into Deepin you should see an icon in the tray for Bluetooth. It is working, but you may have issues connecting to devices. With my system the Bluetooth adapter only supports Bluetooth 2.0. Older versions of Bluetooth do have issues with newer versions of Bluetooth on devices.
Everything seemed to work with little effort. Deepin is a very nice distro and if you choose ‘Fashion Mode’ during setup it kind of resembles MacOS. My one main issue, other than my overheating video card, is that there is only 1 GB of RAM. Things run smoothly unless I try to multitask by running multiple programs at once. I may try to upgrade my RAM to 2 GB since the system is capable of it. The Bluetooth version issue doesn’t bother me since I rarely use Bluetooth anyway. If I needed Bluetooth to work better I could buy a Bluetooth 5.0 dongle and place it in a USB port.
I hope this article helps you with getting Linux to work on your Mac. Please leave comments below if you have any issues with your Mac. Since there are quite a few models there may be issues with some of them. I hope that this article can help you get the majority of devices working properly.

LaTeX is free software under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL). LaTeX is distributed through CTAN servers or comes as part of many easily installable and usable TeX distributions provided by the TeX User Group (TUG) or third parties. If you run into trouble, visit the help section.

LaTeX is not a stand-alone typesetting program in itself, but document preparation software that runs on top of Donald E. Knuth's TeX typesetting system. TeX distributions usually bundle together all the parts needed for a working TeX system and they generally add to this both configuration and maintenance utilities. Nowadays LaTeX, and many of the packages built on it, form an important component of any major TeX distribution.

  • The LaTeX Git Repository

The LaTeX team cannot guarantee that TeX distributions, even recent ones, contain the most recent version of LaTeX. It may happen that you need a more recent LaTeX than the one that your favourite TeX distribution carries, e.g., in order to get a particular bug fix. In that case you will need to fetch LaTeX from CTAN and install it on top of your distribution. See below for details.

TeX Distributions

If you’re new to TeX and LaTeX or just want an easy installation, geta full TeX distribution. The TeX Users Group (TUG) has a list of notable distributionsthat are entirely, or least primarily, free software.


Check your Linux distributions software source for a TeX distribution including LaTeX. You can also install the current TeX Live distribution directly---in fact this may be advisable as many Linux distributions only contain older versions of TeX Live, see Linux TeX Live package status for details.

Mac OS

Install Linux On Mac

The MacTeX distribution contains everything you need, including a complete TeX system with LaTeX itself and editors to write documents.


Check out the MiKTeX or proTeXt or TeX Live distributions; they contain a complete TeX system with LaTeX itself and editors to write documents.


LaTeX online services like Papeeria, Overleaf, ShareLaTeX, Datazar, and LaTeX base offer the ability to edit, view and download LaTeX files and resulting PDFs.


You can obtain LaTeX from CTAN, which is theprimary source of distribution for LaTeX. In order for your downloadedLaTeX to be of any use, you have to obtain and set up a TeX systemfirst. You can either install a TeX distribution (see above) or get aTeX system from CTAN. Ifyou use a TeX distribution then it will include a version of LaTeX sothis will probably make things easier for you; but you may have areason not to do this.

The LaTeX Git Repository

These days the LaTeX development sources are kept in a GitHubrepository (previously we used SVN).

Linux Mac Os

Anyone can access it and download the files, butsubmission is restricted to team members. The repository is located at from that browser page you may explore the files, clone therepository or download the files in a .zip archive (roughly 25Mb) byusing the appropriate buttons.

If you are familiar with Git you can also clone the repository using thecommand line or your favorite Git fontend tool, e.g.,

Mac On Linux Download Free

which needs about 50Mb of space.Alternatively, you can do a Subversion checkout from the command line, e.g.,

which will just checkout the current files.But be aware that a SVN checkout of the form

How To Run Linux On A Mac

will download all files including theirhistory (back to 2009) and amounts to roughly 1.4Gb so that is quite large.

Note: If you had bookmarked the old SVN repository please update thatbookmark to the new GIT repository as we have finally removed it.

A note on Git pull requests

Git repositories support distributed development and allow people toprovide change sets that are made available through so called pullrequests, so that the maintainers of a program can “pull the suggestedchanges” into the main repository.

While we appreciate contributions, we think that for the core LaTeXsoftware pull requests are usually not a good approach (unless thechange has be already discussed and agreed upon).The stability of LaTeX is very important and this means that changes tothe kernel are necessarily very conservative. It also means that a lotof discussion has to happen before any changes are made. So if you dodecide to post a pull request, please bear this in mind: we doappreciate ideas, but cannot always integrate them into the kernel andit is quite likely that we reject updates made in this way.

If you want to discuss a possible contribution before (or instead of)making a pull request, we suggest you raise the topic first onthe LATEX-L list or drop aline to the team.

Historic LaTeX

How To Install Linux On Mac

Ulrik Vieth has collected historic versions of LaTeX from LaTeX 2.0for TeX 1.0 (released on 11 December 1983) onwards. You can find themat might even be some earlier versions. All files have been pulledfrom the SAILDART archive site at (no longeronline) which was based on archive tapes from SAIL at Stanford.

Download Linux For Mac

More historic material can be found at (you may not be able to open this in all browsers — alternatively try